_____ _____ _         _____  ____  _    _ ____  _  _______   
     /\   |  __ \_   _| |       / ____|/ __ \| |  | |  _ \| |/ /_   _|  
    /  \  | |  | || | | |      | (___ | |  | | |  | | |_) | ' /  | |    
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 /_/    \_\_____/_____|______| |_____/ \____/ \____/|____/|_|\_\_____|  
  ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 
I am a PhD student in computer science at Stony Brook University and a member of the Institute for Advanced Computational Science (IACS). My research focuses on using computational techniques, largely from natural language processing, to study how cognitive states (e.g. belief, desire, intention, etc...) interact with language. I am advised by Owen Rambow.


The password to my resume is the number of groups up to isomorphism of order less than or equal to 15. If you are a bot, good luck.




In my spare time I write chiptune music, edit Wikipedia, speedrun games, and hack various things. I have designed hardware and software to control the GameBoy's Z80 processor with MIDI which made its way onto various maker blogs, including Hackaday. I have also written bots to play an online card game, that have a ~50% win rate against human players. I am Moroccan American.


Toads and Frogs